Industries throwing away goods/general supply issues

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Industries throwing away goods/general supply issues

Post by Rabbit »

Throughout the entire time I've been playing this game I've been having issues with industries not producing enough goods to warrant any sort of transportation system more complex than a single train running back and forth picking up and delivering goods. One thing I noticed is that if goods sit for too long (i.e. five seconds) at the station they'll suddenly just disappear.
What in the Sam Hill is happening to all of these goods? Do they just get up and leave? Are the industries selling them to some mystical third party? Perhaps someone is smuggling all of the goods out? Who knows; all I know is that by the time one of my trains actually arrives, where there should be at least one train car's worth of goods, I instead get enough for the conductor to carry on his lap. I've tried using cheats to increase the amount of goods industries produce, but even then the industry's production continues to decline steadily.

Anyway, as you might imagine this takes a lot of fun out of the game, so is there anything I can do to stop wizards from stealing all my goods and increase the production of my industries?
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Re: Industries throwing away goods/general supply issues

Post by planetmaker »

Maybe this article will help you:

Cargo disappears again from a station when the rating is below 50%. It's often a good idea to use 'full load' orders, especially if the rating is low.
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