Unable to start the game after changing ttdpatch.cfg

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Unable to start the game after changing ttdpatch.cfg

Post by matthew_squirrel »

I have a problem starting the game. I am using Windows Vista and installed TTD and TTDpatch version 2.5 beta 9. I have changed the win2k to 'on' and I was able to start the game initially. But after I copied different cfg graphic files to the game and made further changes to my ttdpatch.cfg file, I was not able to start the game again. It showed the message "TTD is not installed properly <registry error 4>" right after the message "TTDLOADW.OVL is ok". I deleted all the files and re-install the game again. However, I got the same message even if I started TTDpatch with the original setting (except changing the win2k to 'on') after i re-installed the game. I've tried to copy a ttdpatch nighty version and replace the TTDpatch 2.5 beta 9 but same message was still shown. Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem? Much thanks.
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